The Team: Anna Veerman | Kiera McCormack | Agnieszka Oppeln-Bronikowska
Duration: One week

My Role: UX Design | UI Design ​​​​​​​
Overview: Mobile app, mobile shelf that allows you to add a hundred all-time-favorite items to your personal collection. The user can share with others, add friends, check friends shelves and items, add memories. 
Key Questions: 
# How we can organize 100 items? 
# Should we use collections and categories ?
# How we can categorize the library?
# Should we add 'memories' to favorite items?
# Should the 'memory page' be an infinite scroll? 
# Should we apply 'drop down menu' ?
'The aim of a Design Sprint is to create and test ideas quickly, so If You're going to fail, you fail fast and fail early'
Creating v1: We prepared sketches and brainstormed few options. We marked our favorite features to develop them later on.
Creating v1: We prepared first greyscale wireframes and brainstormed new options. We marked our favorite features to develop them later on.
Creating v1: We prepared first screens to pass them to testing phase. We prepared the interview scenario and testing questions. 
Testing: We tested our app, observing and creating empathy maps. 
Design Loop : We discussed and brainstormed pain points of our app. Applied few changes. 
Reflection: Working together in a team, with other UX Design students was an unique experience. This was a quick design sprint that required maximum focus and cooperation. The project taught me to be fully focused brainstorming, coming up with new ideas and how to make compromises that can bring amazing results. One of the most difficult parts was deciding how the app should look like and how complicated it should be. Because it was a week-long design sprint we had to decide which options we wanted to develop more and which ones less. 
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